By Darla Vasilas

This book is a work of love. Love for a cat named Aphrodite. We fell in love with her the minute we saw her come out of the hiding place where her feral mom and dad were temporarily staying… under our neighbor’s back porch. We adopted Aphrodite and Hera (her mom). Dad, Zeus, stayed with us, but did not become a ‘pet’. Hera and Zeus were a part of our family until they crossed over that Rainbow Bridge. Sixteen years later, Aphrodite is still with us, and although she has some health issues, is still going strong. I hope you enjoy her story (as told to you by Aphrodite).

I wrote this book with the idea that it would be a good story for children, possibly a bedtime story. It is broken into three chapters (three phases of Aphrodite’s life).

Shortly after this book was published, sadly, we lost our dear little girl to heart and breathing problems. I will address this in the sequel, which will be told to us by her brothers, Starbuck and Apollo and their new sister, Athena.